Sustainable Business Standards


Meeting high standards for environmental and social impact


We’re on a mission to do better. To create eco-conscious, affordable hardwood products that are made sustainably and responsibly. As a result, we are pleased to have received the Green Business Certification from Green America. Green America awards Green Business Certification to companies and organizations that meet or exceed their standards for social and environmental responsibility.


About the green Seal

Green America’s Business Certification is one of the oldest and most reputable consumer trustmarks in the marketplace and the first to include both social and environmental criteria. Green America certifies companies that are “values-based” and committed to using business as a platform for environmental and social change. They identify the leading green businesses that have laid the groundwork for the green economy, and emerging green businesses that will help bring it to scale.

Levels of Green Business Certification signify a company’s track record in using their platform for environmental and social change. They have been reviewed and approved by the Standards and Certification Committee, appointed by Green America’s Board of Directors.

Green America’s Seal is awarded to businesses that are:

  • Environmentally responsible in the way they source and manufacture products, and run their operations and facilities;

  • Socially equitable and committed to extraordinary practices that benefit well-being of workers, customers, suppliers, and the greater community;

  • Accountable for their work by continually improving and tracking their progress, and operating with radical transparency in every facet of their business; and

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Toward a triple bottom line

For the company, natural world betterment, and social equity for employees and the community at large.

Green America

Green America’s mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. They work toward a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where our planet is preserved for all generations to come. They use the word “green” to mean social and economic justice, community and environmental health. For them, it’s really about both people and planet.

Green America’s work combines four powerful strategies:

  • Empowering individuals to make purchasing and investing choices that promote social justice and environmental sustainability;

  • Demanding an end to corporate irresponsibility through collective economic action;

  • Promoting green and fair trade business principles while building the market for businesses adhering to these principles;

  • Building sustainable communities in the US and abroad.

Green America’s Green Business Network® is the first, largest and most diverse network of socially and environmentally responsible businesses in the country.

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People & Planet award

Green America’s People & Planet Award recognizes US small businesses for their dedication to a green economy: a bottom line that includes protecting workers, communities and the environment. The businesses must represent strong social and environmental leadership in general in addition to fitting the season's category. Eutree was honored to have received this prestigious recognition and award in the “Green Home” category.